How Post Industrial society & digital society connected

Arthur Jones
6 Min Read

A post industrial society is a stage in a country’s development. It follows the industrial era, where manufacturing was the main activity. In a post-industrial society, the focus shifts to services, information, and technology. The digital society is an extension of this evolution. It thrives on the internet, digital communication, and high-tech advancements.

Understanding Post Industrial Society

Post industrial society emerged in the late 20th century. It marked a shift from heavy industry to services. This society values information, services, and high technology. Jobs in finance, education, healthcare, and technology become more common. People rely on computers and the Internet for work and communication.

Characteristics of Post Industrial Society

  1. Service-Oriented Economy: The economy centers on services rather than manufacturing. Examples include healthcare, education, and finance.
  2. Knowledge-Based Work: Jobs require more education and specialized skills. Information and knowledge are key resources.
  3. Technological Advancement: Rapid technological innovation is a hallmark. New technologies improve productivity and create new industries.
  4. Globalization: Economies and cultures become more interconnected. International trade and communication increase.

Emergence of the Digital Society

The digital society grows out of the post industrial society. It relies heavily on digital technologies. The internet is the backbone of this society. Digital devices like smartphones, computers, and tablets are essential tools. Information flows freely and quickly in this digital age.

Characteristics of the Digital Society

  1. Internet Connectivity: The Internet connects people worldwide. It enables instant communication and information sharing.
  2. Digital Communication: Email, social media, and messaging apps dominate. These platforms facilitate easy and quick interactions.
  3. Information Accessibility: Information is available at our fingertips. Search engines, online databases, and digital libraries are key sources.
  4. E-commerce and Online Services: Online shopping and digital services proliferate. Businesses adapt to the digital marketplace.

How Post-Industrial Society Leads to Digital Society

The transition from a post-industrial to a digital society is seamless. Here’s how the post-industrial characteristics set the stage for the digital age:

  1. Technological Infrastructure: Post-industrial societies invest in technology. They build the infrastructure needed for the digital era.
  2. Education and Skills: Post-industrial jobs require education and skills. This creates a workforce ready for digital innovation.
  3. Service-Based Economy: Focusing on services in the post-industrial era shifts smoothly to digital services.
  4. Global Networks: The globalization of the post-industrial era facilitates digital connections worldwide.

The Role of Technology in Both Societies

Technology is crucial in both societies. In the post industrial society, technology improves productivity and efficiency. It automates tasks and creates new industries. In the digital culture, technology goes further. It revolutionizes communication, commerce, and entertainment.

Impact of Digital Technology on Post-Industrial Society

  1. Work and Employment: Digital technology changes how we work. Remote work and digital collaboration become common.
  2. Education: Online learning platforms offer new educational opportunities. Access to information and resources expands.
  3. Healthcare: Telemedicine and digital health records improve healthcare services. Patients and doctors communicate more easily.
  4. Commerce: E-commerce transforms retail. Businesses reach global markets through online platforms.

Digital Society: An Evolution of Post-Industrial Values

The values of a post industrial society evolve in the digital age. Knowledge and information become even more critical. Digital literacy is essential. The emphasis on services translates to digital services. The global perspective of the post-industrial era expands with digital connectivity.

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Social Changes in the Digital Society

  1. Communication: People communicate more through digital means. Social media connects friends and family across distances.
  2. Entertainment: Digital streaming services change how we consume media. Music, movies, and games are available online.
  3. Social Interaction: Online communities and networks grow. People form connections based on interests and activities.

Challenges in the Digital Society

  1. Digital Divide: Not everyone has access to digital technologies. This creates inequalities in access to information and opportunities.
  2. Privacy Concerns: Digital technologies raise issues of data privacy and security. Personal information can be vulnerable online.
  3. Job Displacement: Automation and digital technologies can displace jobs. Workers need to adapt and learn new skills.

The Future of Digital Society

The digital society will continue to evolve. Advances in artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things will shape the future. These technologies will bring new opportunities and challenges. But the human feelings are still will be the same as of now. It is the nature of a human mind. Post industrial society is the past with the glorius hostory and technology. but future is the digital society.


The connection between post-industrial society and digital society is clear. The foundations laid by the post-industrial era support the growth of the digital age. Both societies emphasize information, services, and technology. The digital society builds on these principles, creating a more connected and innovative world. As we move forward, understanding this connection helps us navigate the changes and seize the opportunities of the digital era.

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